Is a transformative cultural initiative designed to leave a positive social and local impact. The festival supports different artists , organizations and community projects, encouraging a platform between cultures, Individuals and social impact projects .

& Much more
Promoting resource sharing to catalyze the individual transformation , planetary regeneration and development of our indigenous communities for a better future . Focused on people looking for a more conscious life and whose main objective is to expose our audience through music and dance, sacred fire ceremonies , art, workshops, exhibitions, forums , galleries , presentations, etc. how to explore, learn and get to have a regenerative life style .
Imagine Cosmic Convergence as a cosmic family reunion and a gateway to an emerging planetary culture reconnecting indigenous worldviews related to the cosmos, the earth , and being infinite and using arts to raise funds and other resources benefit of social impact projects .
During the festival and at set times ; we have developed different types of workshops in order to awaken your consciousness and reconnect with the cosmos and mother earth . Among them you will find:
-Permacultura ( Theory and practice) and ecological responsibility.
-Cosmovisión Indigenous and Holy Fire .
-Traditions And indigenous skills.
Maya Super -nutrition and food .
-Empoderamiento .
-Movement Sacred .
-Reconección With the body ( yoga , breath control , tantra, etc. )
-and many more.
We are a focused on ecology and environmental responsibility festival; always trying to innovate with each new edition. Today more than ever; We love to care for our beloved Mother Earth and make the rest of the world thinks the same way. So to do this, we in example during the festival in many ways; highlighting:
-The Permaculture workshops and environmental awareness.
-Exhibitions Renewable energy.
-The Separation and composting of waste festival for the future development of a community garden.
Presence of the “Green Team” or green team throughout the festival responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the place.
-Recycling Waste with the support of the local municipality.
‘In our kitchen we only use local organic food.
-Bathrooms Dry, composting sanitation
Free purified-water throughout the event with the only requirement to bring your own bottle, to avoid excessive use of bottled water and disposable packaging.
-In The preparation of our food and beverages; we will be using reusable utensils to avoid using disposable plastic.